Today, months of planning came to fruition. We hosted the Beth Moore Simulcast at our church and it was amazing. We had 250 women from our community come together for this special event. It was incredible to see women from our community participating in this together. It felt a little like what heaven will be like. Here on this earth, we identify ourselves with a denomination, but in heaven, we will just be sisters in Christ.
My favorite line today was "Give someone the gift of forgiveness even if they don't ask for it". That's what God did for us on the cross. We hadn't even asked for it, we didn't even know we needed it, but He freely gave His Son to die on the cross for us. So many times as a parent, I just want my kids to learn the lesson of saying they are sorry for something. And, I still do, but this really spoke to me about my heart and gifting them with grace. Forgive them even if they don't ask for it. Isn't that what we want God to do for us. We mess up and don't ask for God to forgive us, but He does. May I learn from His example as He bestows grace on me daily.
I was at your church and am so glad you all hosted the simulcast. After I got home yesterday I noticed on Beth's blog they had posted the commission statment she had us say to each other if you want to check it out and print it off.
Oh how much I miss gathering together with a big group of Texas women to worship the Lord!! We miss that state so much more than we thought we would. I really really miss Beth Moore too! I need to check out the website to see what she's got going out on the web since I don't have a ladies bible study to attend here.
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