Friday, October 16, 2009

The things kids say...

Some funny things I've heard this week while substituting:
1. As a little boy skipped across the room during fun centers and said, "I'm a fairy cowboy, I'm a fairy cowboy". (He was wearing a cowboy hat and fairy wings because he was in the 'dress up' center.) I haven't even seen "Broke Back Mountain and that's still all I could think of.
2. A first grade boy ran up to me on the playground and said, "We're getting chased by girls and it is FUN". (my son was one of those getting chased.)
3. I also got called "Mrs. Puge'"
4. Another teacher asked me as I went to the music room instead of PE to get my class, "Am I in the wrong place?" Uh, no, that would be me...At least she's the same person everyday. I am a different teacher and a different grade on any given day.


Anonymous said...

That is too funny. That's why I enjoy the little guys so much. Have you ever read the book 'Kids Say the Darnest Things'? It is hilarious.

Candi said...

Too funny. I can't find it now, butI recently ran across a blog and there was a picture of a "fairy cowboy" on there...LOL!