Thursday, July 16, 2009

Light Sabers in Walmart

Yesterday, I was walking down the toy isle and behind me I hear these odd sounds of crashing and grunting. I turned to see what it was and it was my two boys, John and Hayden, fighting in the middle of the toy isle with their light sabers. I love that my man is still a kid at heart. He loves to play with our kids and have fun! They worked their way up and down the isle wielding their newly found swords. At one point, a Walmart employee walked around the corner and saw the commotion; he just turned and walked away when he saw it was a boy and his dad. Funny! And what would any mom do? Grab her camera and take a picture. See, this is why you should carry a camera in your purse. Moments like this should be shared... See, it's okay to pick up a sword in the middle of the store and fight your six year old boy. It will make his day!

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