Friday, August 24, 2007


We just took our kids fishing over at a friend's house. They have a stocked pond in their back yard. We didn't expect the fish to be so little. In Texas when you go to a stocked pond, it is stocked with catfish that you can catch and fry for dinner. Not these. It didn't matter to our kids. (or to us really, we just thought it was funny) This was their first experience with fishing ever. They were not sure about it at first, but after the first drop of the line, they were hooked! They all ended up catching at least one fish. Sarah and Kate caught fish at the exact same time and both fish jumped off the hook and back into the water before we could get a picture. Kate had so much fun, she almost turned down ice cream. If you know Kate at all, you know this is a big deal. She loves ice cream almost as much as John. She had so much fun and probably caught 10 fish. Who knows, she may have even caught the same hungry fish 10 times.


Candi said...

Too funny....looks like they all had fun!!

Tammy said...

Cute fish!
We could go fishing together IF YOU WERE IN TEXAS!!! :)

Audra said...

Tammy, you never know what God has in store for us. I'd love to go fishin' with you in Texas.

the_enrights said...

Maybe we can go fishing in the spring, if any of us are still around. Tom is looking at jobs both here and Colorado Springs.