This past week, by grandmother passed away. She and my grandpa had been married for 9 years. This was the Nana that my kids knew and loved. Their last living great grandma. In saying goodbye to Nana, they were able to say hello to my mom. She lives in California and hasn't ever met Rachel or Hayden. She has been to Texas a couple of times in the past 10 years, but since we moved around with the Air Force, we were not here when she came to visit. The kids really enjoyed meeting her. We hope it's not another 10 years before we see her again.
I am thankful yet again that God has brought us back to Texas. My grandpa had a shadow all day today. Hayden rode with him to the church and followed him around everywhere. I think it was comforting to my grandpa to have him close. It was very sweet to see Hayden love on him during this difficult time.
I'm so sorry Audra. How wonderful that Hayden is such an empathetic child to be there for his Grandpa though. I'm praying for your hearts to heal quickly.
Thanks for sharing, Audra. I love to read your thoughts. What a gift you are.
So glad you all got to be together during this time...praying for you! I think it's so sweet Hayden always looks like such a "cowboy" in all his Texas pictures...Noah keeps asking when he can live like that :).
Thanks for sharing the pictures, Aud. I really wish we could have made it.
oh, i'm sorry about your grandma. but that is awesome that you got to spend time with your mom. she looks good. hopwe all is going well way up there in CANYON!!
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