Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Family Birthday


Friday was my Aunt Cece's birthday. She turned 65. We hosted a family pizza night at our house to celebrate. My cousin and her kids came from New Mexico, my aunt and uncle and their 2 great grandchildren, and dad and Carla all joined us for the celebration. We had a great time.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Jump Rope for Heart -Rachel

Rachel did her Jump Rope for Heart last Friday. I ended up substituting Friday also. I am glad that I was still able to watch her jump. She did a great job and had tons of fun. 3rd graders jump way longer than Kindergarteners. They jumped for an hour and rotated jumpers in groups of 5 or 6.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Jump Rope For Heart- Hayden

Hayden has been preparing for Jump Rope for Heart now for weeks. They get the kids all excited about the big event. Local businesses even donate money to be used toward door prizes for the kids that raise money. Hayden was so excited. He kept telling me that he could only jump backwards. I wasn't sure he could jump at all, honestly. I went to watch him today. He was so funny. He could only jump backwards. He didn't just swing it and then step over; he jumped faster backwards than some kids did frontwards. It was so fun to watch him. I had to post this video. Rachel will have her big day on Friday. I'll update with her pictures then.

Waiting for his turn

Look at the excitement...

the concentration!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hayden lost his first tooth!

It has been loose for months it seems, but yesterday, he wiggled it all day at school. After school, it was still hanging in there, so he asked if he could have an apple. One bite was all it took. He wiggled a little more and then wanted me to pull it. He was so excited! He has been making funny noises with his new gap and driving his sisters crazy.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Hayden International Airport

Hayden was so excited when Rachel made her Valentine box. He asked if he could make an airport. I told him that if his class made their own boxes at home, that we could try to make an airport. Well, all it takes is a goldfish box, so foam core board and a little imagination! Here is Hayden International Airport. He is so excited to take this to school. I hope his airplanes don't get pulled off. We hot glued them down, but you never know.

UIL Choir Competition

Kate went to UIL Choir Competition last weekend. She performed a solo and got a 1. That is the best you can get. She did a great job and got a medal! She is so excited and we are so proud of her.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Sarah thought it would be fun to have an Easter egg hunt this morning. It is supposed to be 74 degrees today. It is probably nicer today than it will be on Easter. So, why not have an Easter egg hunt? Rachel and Hayden and our neighbor Abby thought it was so fun. They are on their 3rd hunt now. The eggs, well, they're empty; except for the two big eggs and they have candy. As Sarah was hiding the eggs, the neighborhood boys came over and asked what she was doing. She told them she was having an Easter egg hunt. They immediately started picking up the eggs around them and were shaking them to see if they had candy. Luckily, there was no candy in their eggs and Sarah told them she was just kidding and that there was no candy. They left. They did not think that hunting empty eggs was near as fun as a 'real' Easter egg hunt. I love that my kids play outside and use their imagination and have fun together.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Rachel's Farm

Rachel's class gets to make their own Valentine's box. They are having a contest and it can be a family project. You know that is right up my alley. We talked about some different things she could do and thought about the school locker in the 'Family Fun' magazine. She wanted to try to make a dog, but I wasn't sure we could pull that off. We decided to do a barn. Rachel was so excited to choose the paper and stickers and put it all together. We worked on it for a few hours and got it finished Sunday night. She was so excited about this barn. The best part for her is she can bring it home and play with it when she's done.

Saturday on the square

I love Rachel's funny 'cowgirl' hat.

Sarah's fancy hat.

another try

They had so much fun!

The courthouse is undergoing renovations. I thought it would be fun to scrapbook later.

Saturday, I took Sarah and Rachel to lunch. (Kate was at a UIL competition.) After lunch, we stopped by at this little shop called Vintage Funk. They had some really great old hats, so we decided to try them on. Sarah thought they were so cool. I tried to get a picture of all three of us, but apparently, I need longer arms. Anyway, I thought it would be fun to share. I'll tell you more about UIL later.

By the way, John and I are on facebook. If you are on, look us up. It has been fun to reconnect with friends we'd lost touch with. I still like doing the blog to tell about what we are doing, so I won't stop that. Just thought I'd let you know that we are on facebook.