Thursday, January 31, 2008
Rachel's journal entry
Once upon a time, there were three little wolves and one big pig. The pig went to the first house made of shoes and the pig said, little wolf, little wolf, let me in. The wolf said, not by the howl, by my howl and my nose, nose, nose. Then the pig went to the next house and said, open the door. The wolf said no and the pig said, I'm moving on. So, he went to the house that was made out of grass and the pig said, just let me in. And the wolf said okay, because he knew that he was not going to eat him. The end!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Kids Cook!
Sarah & Emma removing the sausage casings
(they thought it was a little gross).
Nothing light about this Lasagna. Ricotta, Parmesan and Mozzarella cheeses.
My 'dairy free' version of the Lasagna (probably way less fat).
Friday, January 25, 2008
New name CONTEST
My sewing class
I think I'm getting old
I have been having some stomach problems and am finally tired enough of dealing with it that I decided to go to the doctor. (Believe me, you don't want to know the details) So, I go to the doctor and he tells me that many Caucasian people over the age of 30 can develop a Lactose intolerance and that my symptoms sound very much like that is what my problem is. So, I'm getting old and I can't eat dairy. So, what do I have to do you ask? Yep, you guessed it, a 100% Dairy Free Diet for 2 weeks. See my friends, you no longer only see just the good stuff here. Welcome to my world, my Dairy free world, where my friends call and give me a hard time that it is pizza night in our house and I can't have cheese! Where there is yummy chocolate in my 'food court' and I can't eat any of it. Where I find that even popcorn of all things has milk in it. Where I used to eat cereal and have an occasional ice cream sundae and now, I'm reading the label of every item in my house to make sure it doesn't have the "m" word in it. I'm on day three in case you are interested. I guess I'll keep you posted on my Dairy free journey...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I bet you're wondering what I'm doing...
Monday, January 14, 2008
I'm wired for sound!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Oh, what a beautiful day!
Friday, January 11, 2008
A trip to the ER...
Kate has wanted crutches ever since she was little. Well, this week, she got them. Wednesday, I got to the school and Kate was sitting in a wheel chair at the front of the school. I didn't know it was her at first. Then, I saw her hot pink back pack in her lap and knew that something had happened. Her teacher started walking to the truck. I rolled down the window to find out that Kate had fallen after play practice; she tripped over a ladder behind the curtain. I went to help her to the truck and she was very upset and crying and acted like it was hurting pretty bad. Once we got into the truck, she started talking about how it happened and she felt really bad that she did something 'so dumb'. I told her that it wasn't dumb and that things like that happen sometimes. I said I'm sure that people have hurt themselves doing some really dumb things. After talking about how her foot felt, we decided to take her to the Emergency Room just to make sure it wasn't broken. We found out that going to the ER on Wednesday afternoon was not so bad. We got right in and then they sent her to x-ray. Anyway, she did not break it, but did sprain her ankle. For a girl that wanted crutches so bad, she sure doesn't like them near as much as she thought she would. She says that it makes her arms hurt. We are thankful that she didn't break anything and she should be up and running again in no time.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
I love my new camera!
Hmmm, 2 quarters =50 cents, cool!
Sarah had to design her own patch for Star Base.
"Flying Toast" is her call sign
I just wanted to share a few new pictures. Hayden wanted a guitar for Christmas so bad, but he didn't get one. Well, he got some money for Christmas, so he bought himself a guitar with the money. He has John tune it for him and love to play it. We went to eat at a place called Potbelly's a few days ago and they had a guy playing the guitar and singing. Hayden watched him the entire time. He kept commenting on different things he was doing with his hands on the strings. He really wanted to learn how to play like that guy. It was too cute.
Sarah finishes her Star Base program this week and got to design her own patch. The people that run the program told her that her call sign is the funniest one they have ever had. Sarah is pretty funny. As a matter of fact, she emailed me today to ask what the weather was going to be for the week. Don't worry, we still communicate around here. I think she would just like a few more pieces of mail in her 'in' box. I emailed her the 7 day forecast.