A few months ago, we went to the 'Superchick' concert and saw this girl with the cutest purse! It looked like a quilt. Not a Vera Bradley quilt, but a homemade, hand designed, do it yourself kind of quilt. I had to ask her if I could take a picture of her purse. She laughed and said yes. Turns out that her Aunt made it for her and sells them at a shop in Georgia I think. Now that I had a picture, all I needed was a pattern. My friend Linda called me later and told me that she had found a pattern online and would share it with me. Well, I made a sample bag out of some scrap fabric I had lying around and it turned out so cute! I took it to bible study and showed the ladies that had all seen the picture of this girls purse from the concert. They were so excited to see that they too could do it, so we set up a 'class' to make your own rag quilt purse. For the past 2 days, I have had around 9 extra people in my home (4 adults and 5 kids) and we have been making these purses. We had so much fun cutting everything out and putting them together. They are time consuming. It takes about 6 hours to make the larger bag and about 4 to make the smaller bag. We had all levels of seamstresses. Britain learned to sew for the very first time and learned how to use the cutting mat and rotary cutter. She even sewed some of her own purse. She really had a great time. It was a lot of fun to see the fabrics come together in a quilt like design to make a purse.

The purse we saw at the concert that lead to all of this...

Day 1: cutting and a little sewing

Day2: Britain learns to sew and her mom Michele guides her.

Britain and her new purse!
Suzanne, Michele and Britain show off their new purses. Aren't they cute!